Congratulations, oh brave one, for venturing into the depths of darkness to find the Disgusting Dispersal!

You have proven yourself worthy of the dark arts, and now hold the key to unlocking its secrets.

May its foul presence bring you both terror and delight.

As a reward for your bravery, we are pleased to offer you the Reaper’s Coffin cross stitch pattern.

May it serve as a reminder that death is always lurking, even in the most beautiful of things.


Disgusting Dispersal


In a cross-stitch pattern of a happy creature,
Lies a clue to an egg so vile in its feature,
Toxic Trove is the name, and it’s no friend,
Its power and poison, it will gladly lend.

But where to find this egg so cursed?
In a spicy pattern, but where dispersed?
Look for the sunny and free,
In a place where the depths be.

WIN $100 Voucher

Apart from next Rotten Egg Enter our Rotten Egg Hunt Raffle and stand a chance to win a $100 voucher to use on

The more entries you have, the better your chances of winning.

Don’t forget to follow the clues and hunt for the next rotten egg to uncover even more prizes.

Good luck!

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