🔮 Raven Coven’s Biggest Giveaway Ever! 🔮

We’ve Reached a Spellbinding Milestone!

Fellow Ravens of our Coven, words can’t express our gratitude. Reaching 6,666 sales on our Etsy store is a monumental milestone. It’s an achievement that we never dreamed possible when we first opened nearly a year ago. This magic is all thanks to you.

Special Offer!

Use the code RAVEN66 to get 66% Off on our ETSY Store: https://ravenstitchcraft.etsy.com/ This offer is valid only on our Etsy store and until 25.09.2023.


🎁For the first 3 lucky Ravens: a $66.66 RavenCoven voucher that can be spent on cross-stitch patterns with no minimum spend.

🎁For another 3 lucky Ravens: a RavenCoven T-shirt of your choice.

🎁And for all our Ravens, we are giving away 3 Free Patterns This Week! Just Enter the Raffle and you will get all 3 Patterns to your Email.

🌙 The Cauldron Is Bubbling With Excitement! 🌙

Remember, the more entries you collect, the better your chances of winning!

Raffle ends on 25.09.2023, and we will announce the winners via email. So, don’t forget to provide your best email address when entering the raffle.

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and receive 25% OFF on your next purchase + 1 FREE Pattern!

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Give Away!
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